Start your Digital Marketing Business

using Master Resell Rights Today!


Designed for everyone including stay at home moms, students, established professionals and even retirees!


Lifetime access to the course & all updates (with no upsells)!

You will also become part of a supportive online community with


  • 90+ easy to implement modules
  • Step by Step instructions
  • Tips & Best Practices for Automation
  • 100% Profit Resell Rights
  • Easy to apply to your own products &/or services
  • NOT a MLM
  • No Affiliate Marketing

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Why Should you Believe me?

Thanks for scrolling down this far. I am going to assume that means I've piqued your curiosity because even if you're just bored, you would have jumped off by now. 🤣

My name is Susan and I'm an ordinary woman.

Seems like yesterday I was married, my kids were littles, and "old age" seemed really really far away. Suddenly I found myself 60, divorced, taking care of my elderly mother, and feeling like I'd lost my compass. I wasn't excited about anything. My adult children had their own lives; my daughter a veterinarin in New Zealand, far away from me in Arizona, and my son a teacher in Tucson building a beautiful life with his partner. I'd given up working as a realtor after my Mom's accident and was relying on savings to cover my expenses. Unfortunately those funds were dwindling quickly and I was beginning to think I should find a part-time job.

Then I stumbled onto the MASTER RESELL RIGHTS program. To say I was hesitant is an understatement. I became defensive with the person who sent me the invitation and to her credit, she backed off saying here's the link if you change your mind.

Luck would have it, Mom wasn't feeling well and had to visit the emergency room. With nothing to do and bored with scrolling social media, I clicked on that link. That click exposed me to the opportunity I'd been looking for.

Over the years, I'd tried a bunch of home businesses from affiliate marketing and MLMs to selling PRINT ON DEMAND products on ETSY and Shopify. It was overwhelming. I spent literally thousands on coaches and programs, all promising to give me the goods. Get me on top of my game. They never did and I was beginning to believe it was me not them. Maybe I wasn't cut out to be an entreprenuer. I was the common denominator and other people were having success so it must be me.

The truth of the matter is I was looking at the wrong programs. That isn't to say those other programs are bad or can't work but they didn't for me. It wasn't that I didn't do the work or follow the instructions. I did. The one thing all these programs had in common was you had to be continually working in your business instead of on it to create an automated system you could lock, load, and leave while you lived your life. I was forever creating new products, updating social media, creating reels, chasing new connections, posting in groups, researching SEO changes, etc. If I missed a day, it took me double the days to catch up.

This course is brilliant because you buy it once, set it up, and your off to the races. It's a new way to take advantage of the online space without having to be an influener or spends loads of money and time creating something. It's about valuing your time!

Now don't get too excited because it still takes work, commitment and consistency but I can put things in place, go to bed and wake up to money in the bank instead of customer emails complaining that an order didn't show up on time or they want to return something regardless of my no return policy.

This won't be for everyone but if you want a proven system that can be adapted to work with a variety of products and services, then you need to check it out. If you dislike social media but still want to make money online, you need to check this out. If you would like a program that walks you through the steps, a mentor who will answer all your questions, and a community that will support you, you need to check it out. Only you can decide but I hope you'll come along for the ride!

Still Here?


What happens when when you purchase the Digital Course?


What happens when I purchase?

Purchase the Master Resell Rights and receive immediate access to the comprehensive course and online community.

In your course library, you will find detailed instructions on creating a sales funnel to use to sell this course or any other course you have created or have the rights to sell. Anytime you sell the MASTER RESELL RIGHTS program, the purchase money goes directly to you, not a third party, and you keep 100%. No fees. No commissions. No royalties.

In addition to the course modules teaching you how to maximize your Master Resell Rights Program, you will be given access to our exclusive online community of like minded business owners. Here you will find all kinds of valuable information, tips, hints, and ideas for making the most of your opportunity.

Why This Product?

How about the ability to recoup the price you pay for the program with just one sale!

If that alone wasn't reason enough, the Master Resell Rights program gives you immediate access to one of the most comprehensive courses available and an online community of supportive, like-minded enterpreneurs.

In your course library, you will find detailed instructions on creating a sales funnel to use to sell this course or any other course you have created or have the rights to sell. Anytime you sell the MASTER RESELL RIGHTS program, the purchase money goes directly to you, not a third party, and you keep 100%. No fees. No commissions. No royalties.

In addition to the course modules teaching you how to maximize your Master Resell Rights Program, you will be given access to our exclusive online community of like minded business owners. Here you will find all kinds of valuable information, tips, hints, and ideas for making the most of your opportunity.

What is Included?

It bears repeating...

You will recieive the digital course and step by step modules to get you up and running fast. You will have all the business tools you need. You learn email maketing, branding, content stragies, seo +blogging tactics, how to leverage social media and a FREE community for support.

What Kind of Support is Offered?

You will have lifetime access to a free community to connect with other entreprenuers and instructors. You can ask questions, share strategies, celebrate how brilliant this product is and learn from each other. Plus there are FREE updates as there are constantly new training modules added.

What Other Costs Will There Be?

There are no HIDDEN FEES or UPGRADE costs for you to use the MASTER RESELL RIGHTS Program.

You pay ONE TIME and will be given instructions on how to set up your system without having to add additional programs or services.

Do I Have To Sell This Product?

Nope. A lot of people have purchased the program because of the comprehensive training provided and use it to promote their own courses or products. The course teaches how to make money online and can be adapted to work for digital products, physical products, services, courses, coaching programs...just about anything.

Do I Have to Have Experience?

No experience required. This course is presented so even a complete novice can follow along and understand the content. The modules are short, direct, and full of examples. The great part of having a program like this is that you can stop the video anytime, replay lessons, or refer back if you have questions or a problem pops up.

Raving Reviews...

😁 Why would I post anything else? 😎

"I'm already turning a profit!"

I launched my funnel less than 24 hours ago and I'm already turning a profit. This product is amazing!! Thank you for making it so easy to sell and beginner-friendly. I'm not a beginner but many of my clients are so that's an excellent selling point. And they will learn high-income skills in addition!"


"I have made $3650 this week!"

"I can't express how grateful I am for Zack & Hannah creating this MRR course!! I launched my own community with the course just like they did and I have made $3,650 so far this week! What a blessing to have stumbled upon this amazing opportunity!"


"I made 4 figures in my first week!"

"When I say that I wish I had this Digital Marketing Course with Master Resell Rights 8 years ago, I really mean it. This is GOLD! I'm just so grateful that I have it now. I made 4 figures in my first week of launching this & waking up to payment notifications is now a new norm for me!"

Have Questions Email me

Want to chat about things? Book a call and I'll help you build your brand.

Book yours here!

You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest

or visit my online e-commerce store, WS Gift Shop, where you will find an eclectic mix of PRINT ON DEMAND products, books I've written, and magick!